Tuesday 13 March 2012

Day 1
This is day 1 of a seven day garbology study of my household waste. Garbology is an academic discipline that examines refuse. There are six people living in my home and the region in which we live requires us to separate our garbage into Wet and Dry. 

I will be weighing each bag of garbage as a whole and will also weigh the contents based on categories. I borrowed the general category outline from this data sheet on Garbology by Dr. Sheli Smith.

  • Tarp
  • Protective Gloves
  • Kitchen Scale
  • Data Sheet

Findings for day 1:

Green bag:
Total Wt: 560 g
Total Wt glass:  0
Total Wt paper: 100g
Total Wt plastic: 170g
Total Wt metal: 30g
Total Wt Food: 50g
Total Wt other: 210g

Blue Bag:
Total Wt: 1140g
Total Wt glass: 0
Total Wt paper: 350g
Total Wt plastic: 140g
Total Wt metal: 10g
Total Wt Food: 490g
Total Wt other:150g

There was more organic waste in the blue bag than the green bag and there was dry waste such as metal and plastic in the green bag. This would suggest that the household does not understand garbage separation guidelines, or is not attempting to follow separation guidelines.

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